What follows below are some of the most frequently asked questions that we hear from potential customers when discussing their environment. Click any question to display the answer.

Why choose Intuistic?

We have the experience and expertise to tackle all of your IT challenges. We can help you operate more efficiently, save costs and increase reliability.

How can Intuistic save my organization money?

As we work with many small to medium sized businesses simultaneously, we are able to offer our clients a very high level of service at a reasonable cost. Our clients therefore benefit from our business model, economy of scale and efficient operation.

What specific industries do you specialize in?

One of the vertical markets in which we have the most experience is creative services such as advertising agencies, design firms, marketing companies and publishers. We are also exceptionally well suited to service the needs of most service organizations including law firms, accounting firms, engineering firms, public relations firms, and other professional services firms.

How much experience does Intuistic have with network, server and desktop technology?

Our team has over 20 years of experience working with a wide variety of technologies including, but not limited to, network infrastructure, virtualization, backup & recovery, email, firewalls, bandwidth procurement, mobile platforms, hosting etc. We are well equipped to meet all technology challenges.

What vendors do you generally work with?

Every client has unique needs and we have relationships with a wide variety of companies to tailor custom solutions to fit your business challenges. Some of the companies that we work with most frequently are: Apple, Microsoft, HP, VMware, Adobe, Amazon Web Services, Google Apps, and Zimbra.

How can a Mac migration benefit your organization?

Apple has made vast technology improvements to their desktop machines and Apple technology is now present in almost all organizations. Ease of use, lower maintenance and high user acceptance yields less downtime and higher productivity than similar Windows desktops. Most applications now run on Macs except in cases where there is a need for proprietary Windows applications. In those cases we  recommend and support Windows desktops and/or virtual windows technology.

What are the benefits of virtualization?

Virtualization has the benefits of scalability, portability, and fast recovery when compared to standalone physical servers. Historically, virtualization has always come with a performance penalty but the technology that we use today has almost no performance disadvantage when compared to traditional servers.

What is your methodology for backup?

Every network environment is unique and every backup system should be custom designed. In general, we implement robust backup systems with daily backups, as a minimum, and a combination of on-site and off-site backups.

How do you minimize email spam, viruses, and malware?

We utilize a multi-layered filtering system to dramatically reduce spam and other email based threats. The key here is finding the right balance of filtering nearly all offending content while maintaining near zero false positives.

What e-mail platform do you recommend?

Intuistic recommends the Zimbra platform for email. Zimbra provides a full-featured email experience within a Web browser, rather than storing mail locally on each user’s individual machine. In the event that a user’s workstation is down, the user can immediately pick up where they left off on any other computer. Our Zimbra solutions are hosted in mission data centers, assuring a very high level of redundancy and availability. We also recommend and support Microsoft Office 365.

How can you help with disaster recovery?

Disaster recovery (DR) starts with a well-documented formal written plan that can be followed methodically in the event of a catastrophic systems outage. The DR plan should also be reviewed and tested annually as well as after any major infrastructure changes. Intuistic can assist with the development, implementation and testing of your DR plan.

We're moving, can you help?

We have experience moving small to mid sized office environments. Exceptional planning is required to make sure a move goes smoothly, which includes coordination of construction management, bandwidth connectivity, phone systems, network wiring, servers, cubicles, etc. Intuistic can help make your next move a successful one.

Can you help make sense of all the mobile devices out there and integrate them with our workflow?

We recognize that all the devices and carrier choices, as well as constantly changing technology, can make the mobile landscape very confusing to navigate. We have experience with the iOS and Android platforms as well as all of the major wireless providers.  We can help you manage your mobile devices using our comprehensive mobile management platform.

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